Regional ambassadors are volunteers who will advocate for other people to get involved in this project. They will help us ensure we reach as many people as possible by spreading the word about the project at a local level, including visiting nursing homes, residential services, primary care centres, day services, advocacy services, community groups and clubs. We also want ambassadors to inform specific groups about the project and encourage people to get involved.

The ambassadors are also essential to get information about the project to hard-to- reach rural and isolated disabled people. In recognition of your assistance as an ambassador, the project can donate a material item (e.g. books, a laptop, etc.) to a local group of your choice. The project has planned to have 6 regional ambassadors throughout the country. 

If you are interested in becoming a regional  ambassador please complete the expression of intrest form linked here or email 

An Easy Read version of the form is available here.

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